Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Why to continue blogging even when you are frustrated

When I was thinking of doing my post for the wednesday I realized for the first time that I didn't know right away what I wanted to write about.
I am used to ideas that just keep coming into my mind. I am barely ever without inspiration.
When I stopped to think about why this was occuring, I think that it was probably the stress of the last week that has caused me to come to a temporarily pause.
Then I remembered seeing a few tweets from fellow bloggers about the frustration that occurs when they feel like nobody's reading you.
For those of you who feel that, I have only request: please keep blogging

Here's why I want you to continue:

You have an authenticity that needs to be shared. 

Nobody can write about a topic in exactly your style. Forget about the: it's all been done before. Choose what you want to write about and do it with love and care. Like Liz Gilbert points out: 'Do you think Shakespear was original? No, he totally stole from older stories' 

Your blog is your space

And why would you want to give that up? It is your stage to share whatever you feel needs to be shared. You can write whatever it is that soars your soul. How wonderful to even have that space.

Your writing will improve

Thinking about words and which you choose is an incredibly powerful things. If you compare your blog to when you just started, you may find yourself a whole different writer. That does not only come in handy for your blog, but it also is a practical skill to have to daily life. You may need it for a job, school, or your own business.
Embrace the writing! Oh yes...

It changes your relationship with inspiration and creativity.

Our creativity develops. We human beings are all creative, because we create.
When I speak of creativity I do not just mean the ability to paint, dance, write. It is so much more than that. It is being open and full of wonder. Looking at the same thing from all kinds of angles and discovering something new about that same thing each and every time. This is how you invite inspiration to come in. Being open to all sorts of perspectives.

Self reflection

I think most bloggers have done at least one of these posts. The other day I stumbled across Corinne's blog who did a self-reflection in time travel style. So, cool!

I am a fan of the time travel theme so that piece of creative reflection really spoke to me.
The other day I did a reflection on the things I learned from having my jobs.
It was a big eye opener for me. I didn't even realize before the post that I'd come so far.

Meeting lovely and supportive people

Come on, let's face it. You are meeting beautiful people in the community. I am sure there's some drama, (which I completely ignore, because so not worth my time and energy!) but overall I am enjoying myself so much. I am getting this lovely feedback, and I am amazed by other's creativity. What a heck of a reason to continue eh?
Here's some of the people I enjoy for you.
Eena writes about her travels. She has an amazing writing style and really takes you on the trip with her.
Bexa has such lovely and fresh vibes. She is a supporter of small businesses and I enjoy her positive spirits.

Lena is an incredible artist and blogs so many of these feel-good and self-love articles. We really need those, don't we gals & pals?
Envy is me fellow Dutchie! She has incredible authenticity and a wicked sense of humor. What are you waiting for? Go read her blog!
Andrea blogs books. The best thing is that her reviews are spoiler free. Nobody like's a spoiler. She seriously made me want to read more books. Ok. ok. I haven't gotten around to the fictional ones yet, but right now I'm devouring a fair amount of books on the topics of creativity. I just love learning more!
Han inspires people with her personal anonymouse letters blog. A safe space to share what needs to be shared. Her writing is brave and bold and I very much applaud it.

Hey and you know what? If you need some encouragement, you can always drop me a line.
I like to be part of the supportive bunch.
I hope I may have inspired you to keep that blogging on!
What are your reasons to stay here and blog? Share the love and inspiration.
People will thank you for it.

Mucho love, 



  1. Love this post! I think we've all been there when we doubt ourselves and our writing or don't know what to write about but like you said, there's no one else who is you and our blogs are our space and no-one can take that away! Definitely don't stop blogging! πŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ž

    1. Yes girl!! Nobody will write it the way you do. Its just so important to keep that in mind. :)

  2. Love this! I definitely need some motivation to blog sometimes and sometimes just remembering these things makes all the difference!

    1. So true. I think it's really easy to get frustrated when you feel like you work so hard and you should be getting more love for what you create. I make it all the above a daily reminder for myself. :) That is what keeps me going

  3. What a fantastic post πŸ˜ƒ I think we all have those moments where we feel like giving up especially in the early days of blogging but for me personally I enjoy using my blog as a platform to share my passion for writing which helps me stay motivated. Love your blogger inspiration choices too some great picks πŸ˜ƒ

    Melanie |

    1. Thank you for the love on this post melanie :)
      It so important to have that platform. It is a sacred space as a matter of fact. Always keep it mind ^^

  4. The other day I was seriously thinking about deactivating my blog (not kidding), so I listed reasons why I'd miss blogging and then you wrote every single one of them down in a blog post! So much truth in this one :)
    Also, 'wicked sense of humor' is now the best compliment I've ever received.

    x Envy
    Lost in Translation

    1. Yeeey! I am so happy to hear that girl. And you are so welcome. I just love reading your 10 thoughts post. They always give me a giggle. :)

  5. I agree that your blog is your space so you can do whatever you want with it whenever you want and also blogging is a passion. It's okay to take a break from blogging sometimes if you lose inspirations, that's nothing bad. I believe bogging should be a fun experience for everyone❤

    1. I agree blogging should be fun. and some of us seem to get so caught up in the statistics that it sucks all of it out. It is important on running a professional blog, but I try not to fret too much about it. It is not my main goal here.

  6. Such a lovely post. If I'm honest last month all I thought about was deactivating not only my blog but nearly everything for my online prescense though I would miss it. But you are right, meeting so many amazing people in the community is enough reason to stay and blog.

    1. I am honestly so happy you did not deactivate. We would lose another lovely blogger! I hope you don't ever get that discouraged again and if you are write down all the reasons you are blogging in the first place :)

  7. This was so lovely to read! I'm really busy with exams right now but I still write my posts cos they just make me happy. Thanks for sharing x

    1. You are welcome katie :) I imagine that the life of a student is really busy. Sometimes being a student on the side really overwhelms me big time. But I always keep my eye on the why. The writing is such a big and important outlet. It charges all my energy right back up.

  8. What a lovely post! i have felt frustrated with my blog a few times but i always come back because its my personal place and they is so many friendly people too

    Moonlight Mel

    1. so true melissa :) The people around here are fantastic. Have no idea what to do without them :)

  9. I love this post! I definitely stress myself out if I find myself short of ideas but thankfully they don't last long. You're right, there's a lot more to the blogging community worth sticking around for x


    1. I will do an inspiration post very soon :) I get it, we all run out of ideas sometimes. It took me by suprise when it happened last wednesday. In this case i seek inspiration outside and what i write becomes a passionate reaction to someone that inspired me, like liz gilbert did in this case.

  10. Such a great post! I find changing my state and resetting can make all the difference.


    1. Yes, we do need to retreat sometimes :) It really does make all that difference <3

  11. I love this so much, lady!! And thank you for the lovely mention :) I'm glad we were able to meet and start interacting in this lovely community.

    cabin twenty-four

    1. aww you are so welcome. I just adore your blog!

  12. It's so important to continue to do something you started - especially when you're feeling a bit down. I feel like a blogger's block is temporary and needs to be overcome somehow. It takes time for a blog to grow and not giving up is an important factor to success! Eena is such a sweetheart :).

    1. Never give up :)
      Inspiration will always come back knocking. :)
      I enjoy the whole process of it. <3

  13. aww thanks Bexa :)
    I just adore Liz Gilbert. She's so fresh, and I was amazed by her fresh vibes. I am really happy to be your blogging friend :)

  14. Amazing post, darling! I agree with everything you wrote. I've been blogging for a while now and I've learnt so many different things. ♡

    Khadija | October's Lallu

    1. It's such a journey isn't it? I love every moment of it. I keep discovering more and more!

  15. Love this post! I'm sure a lot of bloggers have found themselves in positions like these before, I certainly have. If I don't post for a while I find it super hard to get back into it, if my stats are particular low I feel demotivated, it's a continuous cycle. I'm just starting to realise that I blog because it's something I enjoy so I just need to keep that in mind and not worry about everything else.


    1. I think thats a perfect attitude to have. To remind yourself that you do it because you LOVE it :)
      I can get that it gets frustrating for people who want to turn this into their business. Because then you should be seen right?
      But I just keep seeing more and more room for improvement. I feel challenged to do even better and the expand more ^^
